Muktidham Seva Sansthan is a registered trust in Gopalganj District. It Aims to provide “Urban Amenities to Rural People. The trust was established in 2006 by the visionary leader Late Er. ChandrabhanMishra fondly known as “Engineersaheb”. He realized the importance of education for upliftment of rural masses and started with a School in 2009 known as Arya Public School in Village Prasidhnath of, KateyaBlock.The School got Affiliation from CBSE in 2015(Affiliation no.)
The objective of Muktidham Seva Sansthan is to provide quality education at affordable costso that the students residing in rural areas need not migrate to various places for proper education where the tender minds are deprived of their Parent’s love and affection. Arya Public School Excels in Quality Education andisneed of the children in rural area who are deprived of good basic education due to non-availability of English Medium School in their native place.
Arya Public school(APS) maintains a reputation for its high academic standards, personal care and attention to the all-round development of its every student.It provides a very homely and friendly atmosphere for nurturing the young minds. Apart from regular academics,the school lays emphasis on the morals, aesthetics and physical growth of each individual, academic activities are significantly backed up by the extra co-curricular activities like dramatics, Drawing, painting, story narration, poetry recitation,debates, Elocutionsetc. Cultural Variety programs boost the confidence of the child.
Quality and Healthy culture has been developed in the SchoolCampus. APS hasState-of-the-Art Classrooms,Science-Lab, Math-Lab with latest equipment’s, Library with 2000+ Children Books, Computer Lab updated with latest technology, Smart Class Room. Other facilities provided to the students include sports, canteen, transportation etc.
The School employs well-qualified and highly motivated staff to meet thecurricular and extra-curricular needs of the students. Also the faculty is engaged in Mentoring and Consulting the tender minds who are the Future of their Family and Nation.
Over the years, the school has steadily grown dimensionally, in educational scope and reputation wise it is now counted amongst the better-known schools in Gopalganj.